Arnold School is a K-5 school serving 750 students living in the neighborhoods near NW 48th street. Our school is named after General Henry “Hap” Arnold, who was born on June 15, 1886 and was taught to fly by the Wright brothers. General Arnold was a 5-star general created a new branch of the Armed Forces, the Air Force. The original Arnold School opened in 1959 to serve the military base housing. In August 2009, 50 years later, a replacement school was opened. The new school celebrates the aviation history of the Arnold School community.
Welcome to the Arnold Elementary School website! We are dedicated to making certain all students reach their full potential academically and socially. Our mission is: “Soaring to High Standards in Learning and Behavior.” The talented staff at Arnold is committed to our students, their families, and the community.
Our priority at Arnold is student learning. To ensure every child’s success the staff works together in collaborative teams along with administration. Our focus on collaboration maximizes learning for every child. We also believe that partnering with parents is essential. When parents and the school work together, student success and achievement increases.
We provide students and their families with a safe and orderly learning environment which respects and honors individual diversity. Through our Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST) we teach students our two guiding behavior principles: it is never okay to be hurtful, and it is never okay to be disruptive. By addressing behavioral concerns early with parents we promote learning and maintain high levels of student engagement.
Arnold Elementary is a Title 1 school that serves nearly 750 students living in the neighborhoods near NW 48th street. Our school includes kindergarten through fifth grades along with three ExCITE classes for children ages 3 and 4. Early Childhood, Academic Support, English Language Learner, and Special Education programs also serve many students at Arnold School. Students participate in Specials classes daily. The specialist team includes art, music, computer, science, and physical education. Our outstanding Media Center and additional computer lab are a learning resource for the entire school.
It is an honor to serve as principal at Arnold working with amazing students, families, and a dedicated group of professionals. I look forward to partnering with you to ensure that all students reach success. We hope you will take some time to explore our website to learn more about the opportunities that exist at Arnold.
Jodi Frager
Arnold Elementary School
Feb 19to Feb 21NO Clubs |
Feb 198:00 amto 9:00 am5th Grade Choir |
Feb 208:00 amto 9:00 am5th Grade Band Rehearsal |
Feb 248:00 amto 9:00 amAdvanced Orchestra Rehearsal |
Feb 258:00 amto 9:00 am4th Grade Choir |
9:00 a.m. to 3:38 p.m.
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9:00 a.m. to 3:38 p.m.
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